
klrwp@klrwp.pl | 22 831 35 86
Kontakt KLRwP

Strona główna / Wonca 2020


Dear collegues and friends/cooperators of family medicine,

you are cordially invited to attend the 25th conference of WONCA Europe in Berlin. Our national congress of Germany, Austria and South Tyrolia will be integrated in this great event.

Berlin is a vibrant City with a very special history. Many of us remind the unexpected fall of the wall which divided the City and Europe. Now it as a mulitcultural location and bridge between former western and eastern Europe. But it has much more to offer for science and culture, for personal meetings and questions about our future. You may attend the conference and practices, you can go for sightseeing and relax, you will get new ideas, inspirations and connections. We will reflect on core values of family medicine: how can we manage threats and use opportunities for a good health system and satisfaction of all persons beeing involved including ourselves? Come to Berlin by end of June 2020 and join our community!
