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Strona główna / Europrev - webinarium


June 11th, at 21h00 (Central European Time, Paris & Berlin time), we will have our third webinar :)
This webinar is organised jointly with EQuiP (WONCA Europe network for quality and safety of care), and we are delighted with this collaboration.
In this webinar, our speakers will be Eva Arvidsson and Piet Vanden Bussche, two family doctors, researchers and Professors from the Linkoping University and Ghent University respectively. And the topics to be discussed will be:

Webinar 3 - Setting up a quality project in your practice
- Quality improvement and quality circles
- How to perform a PDSA cycle
- Tools, strategies and tips

Link to watch the webinar: https://europrev.woncaeurope.org/webinar

To obtain the Final Certificate is necessary to attend at least five of the six webinars. During the webinar, we will share a link where you will have to confirm your attendance. We will share this link through the chat platform. After the six webinars, a Certificate of Attendance corresponding to a 9-hour training activity will be issued.

 You may consult the full program of 2019 EUROPREV e-learning webinars here...